Widgets Ivanhoe (with chapter navigation)

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Ivanhoe (with chapter navigation)

Title: Ivanhoe (with chapter navigation)
Author: Sir Walter Scott
Year First Published: 2008
Page Count: 0
Synopsis: Download a FREE SAMPLE ebook at

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This digital edition is special in that it has chapter navigation links. Just go to the table of contents, and click on any chapter title. You are there! Additionally, at the top of each chapter page, you can click on the title with the Select wheel to return to the table of contents.

Generally, to get to the table of contents from inside the book, just click "Menu" with the Select wheel, and then select "Table of Contents".

Additionally, poetic excerpts are in italic font, which makes them easier to distinguish from the regular text.

Ideal for students and classics affectionados who want to turn to a chapter quickly.

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