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Author: Frank Schatzing


Frank Schätzing (born May 28, 1957 in Cologne), is a German writer, mostly known for his best-selling science fiction novel The Swarm (2004).Schätzing was born in Cologne and studied communication studies; he later ran his own company, an advertising agency named INTEVI, in Cologne. Schätzing became a writer in 1990, and penned several novellas and satires. His first published novel was the historical Tod und Teufel in 1995, and in 2000 his thriller Lautlos. Schätzing achieved his greatest success in 2004 with the science fiction thriller The Swarm. It became a bestseller, and was lauded by many critics and readers for its accurate representation of marine biology, geology, and geophysics. However, it has also been criticised as overly long, and marred by poor editing and some factual errors (notably that methane is described as having a strong smell, when in fact it is odourless). The novel borrows some ideas from the Gaia Theory. It hits on the notion that mankind's activities have created conditions that begin to affect a delicate equilibrium of biotic and abiotic conditions that have fostered and sustained complex life forms and ecosystems. An unknown intelligence from the oceans, named the Yrr, tries to exterminate man in retribution for destroying its habitat. Uma Thurman bought the film rights to The Swarm in May 2006. A film version is now in development and due for release in 2011.


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