Widgets Agua para elefantes (libro de la pelicula) / Water for Elephants (Movie Tie-in) (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition)

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Agua para elefantes (libro de la pelicula) / Water for Elephants (Movie Tie-in) (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition)

Title: Agua para elefantes (libro de la pelicula) / Water for Elephants (Movie Tie-in) (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition)
Author: Sara Gruen
Year First Published: 2011
Page Count: 432
Synopsis: As a young man, Jacob Jankowski was tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth . It was the early part of the great Depression, and for Jacob, now ninety, the circus world he remembers was both his salvation and a living hell. A veterinary student just shy of a degree, he was put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It was there that he met Marlena, the beautiful equestrian star married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. And he met Rosie, an un-trainable elephant who was the great gray hope for this third-rate traveling show. The bond that grew among this unlikely trio was one of love and trust, and, ultimately, it was their only hope for survival. Description in Spanish: Todos hemos querido cambiar de vida, todos hemos querido huir alguna vez. Cuando el joven Jacob pierde todo, su familia y su futuro, y el mundo entero parece al borde del abismo en los dificiles años treinta, se aventura en un circo ambulante para trabajar como veterinario. Transcurren años de penuria y crueldad, pero tambien de ensueño y plenitud, pues Jacob encuentra en el deslumbrante espectaculo de los hermanos Banzini la amistad, al amor de su vida y a la traviesa elefanta Rosie. Han transcurrido ya muchos años, pero Jacob no se resigna a la postracion que el destino le depara. Con renovada valentia nos revelara un secreto impactante y decidira emprender nuevas andanzas, cueste lo que cueste. Sara Gruen, con un estilo apasionado y vibrante, ha escrito una novela aclamada por millones de libreros y lectores. Romance, lucha, asesinato, tragedia y humor integran el cartel de esta gran funcion que conmueve y asombra por igual.

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