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Title: Trainspotting
Author: Irvine Welsh
Year First Published: 2002
Page Count: 340

"The best book ever written by man or woman...deserves to sell more copies than the Bible."�Rebel, Inc.

Brace yourself, America, for Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting�the novel and the film that became the cult sensations of Britain. Trainspotting is the novel that first launched Irvine Welsh's spectacular career�an authentic, unrelenting, and strangely exhilarating episodic group portrait of blasted lives. It accomplished for its own time and place what Hubert Selby, Jr.'s Last Exit to Brooklyn did for his. Rents, Sick Boy, Mother Superior, Swanney, Spuds, and Seeker are as unforgettable a clutch of junkies, rude boys, and psychos as readers will ever encounter. Trainspotting was made into the 1996 cult film starring Ewan MacGregor and directed by Danny Boyle (A Shallow Grave).

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Focus Survival Readability Difficult
Focus Personal Quest Setting Europe
Focus Friends Setting Earth Based
Main Character Group Time Period Contemporary
Main Character Adult Time Period Past
Number of pages 300-400 Type Self Discovery

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