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Algebra Quick Study Guide. FREE first 3 chapters in the trial version.

Title: Algebra Quick Study Guide. FREE first 3 chapters in the trial version.
Author: MobileReference
Year First Published: 2007
Page Count: 288

Boost Your grades with this illustrated quick-study guide. You will use it from high school all the way to graduate school and beyond. FREE first 3 chapters in the trial version.


  • Includes both Algebra I and II
  • Clear and concise explanations
  • Difficult concepts are explained in simple terms
  • Illustrated with graphs and diagrams
  • Search for the words or phrases
  • Access the guide anytime, anywhere - at home, on the train, in the subway.
  • Use your down time to prepare for an exam.
  • Always have the guide available for a quick reference.
  • Automatic synchronization between the handheld and the desktop PC. You could read half of the book on the handheld, then finish reading on the desktop. Annotations and drawings are also synchronized.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Simple Operations | Exponents and Powers | Order of Operations | Variables and Expressions | Working With Negative Numbers | Solving Equations Using Properties of Mathematics

Real Numbers: Integers and the Number Line | Absolute Value | Rational Numbers | Adding Rational Numbers | Postulates for The Natural Numbers | Combining Like Terms | Real Numbers | Irrational Number

Functions: Function as Box | Function as Relation | Domain and Range | Terminology | Piecewise-defined function | Even and odd functions | Composite function | Inverse function

Solving Equations: Quadratic equations | Factorization | Completing the square | Quadratic Formula | Weda's Theorem | Systems of Linear Equations | Solving Equations Properties | Solving simultaneous linear and nonlinear equations

Linear Inequalities: Solving linear inequalities | Properties | Solving Inequalities | Compound Inequalities | Solving Inequalities with Absolute Value

Systems of Linear Equations: Linear Equation | Systems of Simultaneous Equations | Linear Simultaneous Equations with Two Variables | Solving Linear Simultaneous Equations | Elimination by Addition Method | Elimination by Substitution Method | Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines | Solving Systems of Simultaneous Equations Involving Equations Of Degree 2 | Solving Systems of Simultaneous Equations Using a Graphing Calculator

Polynomials: Polynomial Equations | Solving Polynomial Equations | Rational roots of polynomial equations | Factoring Polynomials | Binomial Theorem | Quadratic Functions | Cubic Equation

Conic Sections: Circle | Analytic results | Properties | An alternative definition of a circle | Calculating the parameters of a circle | Fundamental Number Pi | Ellipse | Eccentricity, Equations | Semi-latus rectum and polar coordinates | Area | Parabola | Definitions | Derivation of the focus | Analyzing the Parabola | Hyperbola | Definitions | Equations | Conic Sections

Logarithms and Exponentials Functions: Logarithms definition | Properties of Logarithms | Change of Base Formula | Operations With Exponential Function | Multiplication | The Laws of Exponents | Logarithmic Functions | Laws of Logarithmic Functions | Iteration

Complex Numbers: Introduction | Definition | Properties | The Argand Plane | Euler's formula | Forming trigonometric identities

Sequences and Series: Sequence | Sequences in analysis | Series | Infinite sequences | Series | Infinite series | Types of infinite series | Power series | Arithmetic progression | Geometric progression

Discrete Functions: Combinatorics | Permutation | Combination | Binomial Coefficient | Pascal's triangle | Combinatorics and statistics | Formulae involving binomial coefficients | Generating functions | Newton's binomial series

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