Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-6)
Title: | Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-6) |
Author: | J.K. Rowling![]() |
Year First Published: | 2006 |
Page Count: | 0 |
Synopsis: | Follow Harry from his first days at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, through his many adventures with Hermione and Ron, to his confrontations with rival Draco Malfoy and the dreaded Professor Snape. From a dangerous descent into the Chamber of Secrets to the Triwizard Tournament to the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, each adventure is more riveting and exhilarating than its predecessor, and now all six books are available together for the first time in an elegant paperback boxed set. |
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