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Black Jacks (Volume 1)

Title: Black Jacks (Volume 1)
Author: Shaun Webb
Year First Published: 2011
Page Count: 544
Synopsis: Someone is committing murder in Lincoln, Nebraska, leaving a black Jack of Spades as a calling card. Jack Beauregard, a state trooper Colonel with gubernatorial aspirations, is desperate to solve the case and secure the election. Circumstantial evidence points to a cantankerous old local, John Garrison. Amy Fraser, a beautiful and aggressive defense attorney, is hired to represent him, but Amy has demons of her own. Abused as a child, she is haunted by recurring visions and ghostly apparitions. She fights for John, and for her own sanity. Despite a lack of adequate evidence, Beauregard continues his quest to railroad Garrison; his political ambitions more important to him then the truth. Several subplots evolve around a bevy of small town characters. Find out what the real truth is, or isn't, in Shaun Webb's gripping mystery novel, Black Jacks. The game begins, and Jacks are wild.

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Focus Male/Female Main Character Male
Focus Paranormal Number of pages 500-600
Focus Political Quest Readability Moderate
Focus Legal/Crime Setting North America
Focus Psychological/Horror Setting Earth Based
Focus Murder Time Period 1900's
Main Character Female Time Period Contemporary
Main Character Adult Type Suspense
Main Character Police

Series (that include this book):

  • This is #1 in the Black Jacks series.
    Volume One of Four

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