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Hal Spacejock

Title: Hal Spacejock
Author: Simon Haynes
Year First Published: 2012
Page Count: 520
Synopsis: Bored with on-time deliveries? Want your valuable cargo strewn across the nearest planet? Call Hal Space jock! Partial deliveries, non-arrivals and total write-offs a specialty. An incompetent, accident-prone pilot is given one last chance to save his ship. An ageing robot is trusted with a midnight landing in a deserted field. And a desperate businessman is prepared to sacrifice both of them to get what he wants Combining relentless action with non-stop laughs, Hal Space jock explodes onto the science fiction scene with the subtlety of a meteor strike and the hushed reverence of a used car salesman.

Profanity Violence Sexual Content
I don't remember there being any language, if there was it was minimal. The main character has a few close calls, and there are a few fights, but nothing graphic.
Characterization Plot Overall Rating
This was an interesting book - I like sci-fi and it was a nice, clean read.


Focus Personal Quest Main Character Adult
Focus Robots Setting Non-Earth Based
Main Character Male Type Happy Ending

Series (that include this book):

This book is not yet part of a series.

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