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India Kolling

Title: India Kolling
Author: Rajiv Ranjan
Year First Published: 2014
Page Count: 302
Synopsis: India Kolling a dream project of 5 London-based young Indian filmmakers who returned to their country India for their debut project. Love plays an important role in their life which conjured up 5 different exotic love stories but remains incomplete until they met a girl Fidha , upon arriving in India, who is a young orphan from the slums of Mumbai. Fidha makes them realize the true value of love and plays a very important role in their lives and friendships, which radicalizes them from immature boys to passion-driven lovers. But just before the completion of their project suddenly Fidha goes missing which alters their friendship in a flash. Will they find Fidha and complete their project? Was the project the only reason which dragged them to their nation or some secret lurking somewhere? Find out the role of little child Nancy in the author s life as he travels across the world in search of love and passion

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Main Character Male Setting Asia
Number of pages 200-300 Setting Western
Readability Easy Time Period Time Travel
Setting Europe Time Period Victorian

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