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Animals vs. People
Member Comment
4768 days ago
Pi tells his story in two different ways. Based on specific examples from your reading of the book, which one do you believe was the real story?
4763 days ago
The real story was about himself facing different parts of his personality. He represented different parts or behaviors with different animals. The great part of all of it was how it made me think of my own personality, and how I act in life.
4761 days ago
Oh, how I love this story! It's been a long time since I read it, so please forgive me if I'm a little fuzzy on the details. Pi has come to love the parables of Jesus, the stories and fables of Hinduism and Islam. Some of these allegories use animals to illustrate lessons, especially in Hindu traditions. I believe Pi is doing the same, as well as using the animals as a way to cope with some truly tramatic events.